trapping of furbearers provides a wide range of benefits to both wildlife populations and people. However, trapping has become increasingly scrutinized to the point that antitrapping groups have been successful at getting
state ballot initiatives implemented that prohibit or significantly restrict legal trapping. Trapper participation is changing rapidly, as well. An assessment of trappers and their attitudes toward current trapping-related issues would be beneficial to understand better the effect these issues will have on trapper participation, and to assist in policy making decisions. Consequently, I mailed a self-administered survey questionnaire that addressed trapper participation, trap use, and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for trapping to a random sample of 400 Kansas trappers. Respondents were primarily Caucasian males from rural areas who participated in a variety of other outdoor-related activities besides trapping. They were a diverse group in respect to participation level, experience, and motivations. Trapper organization members tended to be more active and highly involved in trapping than nonmembers. Respondents, who were familiar with BMPs, were generally favorable towards them, but a continuing BMP outreach program will be necessary to inform and gain the acceptance of most
trappers. A phase-out time, which would allow trappers to become more familiar with some of the newer trap designs and reduce the financial burden of having to replenish an entire trap supply, is essential to minimize the effect that BMPs could have, should they become regulations, on trapper participation. State wildlife management agencies should publicly and actively support legal trapping as a beneficial and necessary activity in today's highly modified environment.