Plyometric exercises, which contract a muscle while it is stretching, and isokinetic exercises, which provide resistance equal to the muscles tension, are significantly superior to control groups. This research was designed to compare the effects of plyometric and isokinetic exercise regimes on the vertical leaping ability of humans. No significant difference was found between control groups and plyometric groups tested at grade levels one and two. There was a positive significant difference in favor of the plyometric program when compared to controls from the third grade level through the collegiate. There was a positive significant difference in favor of the isokinetid program when compared to control groups in the high school through collegiate levels. There were no significant differences among the isokinetic treatment groups. There was a significant difference in favor of specific plyometric groups which had well controlled regimes when compared to less organized regimes of isokinetic treatment at the high school level. There were significant differences among the plyometric groups in favor of those that were given well controlled regimes at the high school and collegiate levels.